Body and chance in the dance of Carmen Werner. new performative borders of the gesture


  • Leyson Orlando Ponce Flores Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, España / UNEARTE, Caracas, Venezuela


This article intends to offer an interpretation about the aesthetic of performative in the chance of the choreographic work Allí donde las flores se mueren (2006) by Carmen Werner, director of Provisional Dance from Madrid, through Fischer-Lichter and Óscar Cornago concept of performative; with is an attempt to examine what and how of a possible poetics about the performativity of chance in the body and its expression. Werner presents his sense that we undress not with the desire to give closure to their meanings but to identify what they open as new sensibility in a new territory where the intuitive and its materiality converge; i.e., the limit between the visible of the dance and the psychic it contains; combining in this way a theatricality of chance as a future of the gesture in relation to other practices and interpretations of it in performance procedure.


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How to Cite

Ponce Flores, L. O. (2018). Body and chance in the dance of Carmen Werner. new performative borders of the gesture. Iberoámerica Social: Revista-Red De Estudios Sociales, (IX), 147–163. Retrieved from